This good banking Office 2010

2011-05-06 10:13


salary instead awarded with abnormal phenomenon, some words, CBRC's problem is that "bank executives tend to give oneself make a high salary, as long as it is the high salary bill can in a shareholders' meeting through has no power, outside intervention, so lead to bank executives pay Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.


Whether monopoly state-owned enterprises or the state-owned Banks, the government-appointed executives and through the marketing way, because the selected out its executives at the risk and responsibility, pressure, as well as the company and shareholder value created different -- Office 2010 is my love.

generally, the former much less than the latter -- so people for their high-paying very strong opinions. Take for Banks, mature market countries generally with the bank among business income primarily, but our Banks are generally with interest income primarily. Interest income Microsoft Office is inexpensive and helpful.

from countries without paying interest rate policy, executives at what efforts. Therefore, they get high salary to appear a little "name said." were rather

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Chinese view unknown, but I believe, national wealth, the emergence of the private enterprise is developed and TangJun such as the contribution of professional managers, rather than those who gets paid a monopoly and national policy but rely on the executives. Microsoft Office 2007 can make life more better and easier.


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