Oracle touts Fusion Apps for 2011

2010-11-16 08:50


In five years, for commercial software

Oracle coach larry ellison, this company has confirmed that the fusion of the application will finally see first-quarter 2011.Office 2010 is powerful!

In five years, commercial software package has been described as a great project. It, "he said," the best part of the company, such as a takeover, and put forward the corresponding peoplesoft with them.Microsoft Office 2010 is the best software in the world.

Fusion application will contain 100 module in seven different products: financial management, engineering, procurement, and human capital investment management, management, customer Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

relationship management, supply chain management, and risk management and flexibility.Office 2007 is so powerful.

The new suite is based on the standardization of middleware, simplify the integrated management outlook 2010 is powerful.

ellison said. Business intelligence (BI) is at the heart of fusion application, ellison said, but is not included in the platform. It should be clear to different pap platform, he added.Microsoft Office is my best friend.

Oracle will begin to provide application integration in later this year, followed by general in the Microsoft outlook is convenient!

first quarter of next year. "But," ellison, we should be careful to our customers. We are looking forward to 50-100 customers in the first half of next year, and many will deploy go first. "Microsoft Office 2007 can give you more convenient life.

It can provide a prerequisite and demand, or both, customers can convert between two people. The separation of the offering of the oracle only provide SAP system cloud - or a premise-based, ellison said.Office 2007 key is very convenient!

"The oracle application integration brings a new era of application software and technology investment," Miranda, senior vice President of the specific application of said Steve. "Set a new Office 2007 download is helpful!

standard, we heard that gathered the best practices from thousands of customers to deliver the first 100% open and standardization of the commercial applications."Windows 7 is inexpensive and helpful.