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WHAT'S THE IDEA? br> Much in the same way that former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney attempted to buy the Republican nomination for Many people like Microsoft Office.
President, Romney is laying out plans that would allow himself to buy into the conservative movement. /p> Microsoft Office 2007 is welcomed by the whole world.
According to former Romney advisers, the former candidate has budgeted more than a million dollars of his own money, and would tap a number
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would promote conservative policy ideas.
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against Newt Gingrich or the American Enterprise Institute or anyone else's policy ideas. Anything that will help the movement," says a
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But Romney's conservative policy ideas largely paled in comparison to most of the other candidates in the race, including some of John Office 2010 –save your time and save your money.
McCain's, Fred Thompson's, and even Mike Huckabee's. Romney's tax plan was not as aggressive as Thompson's or Huckabee's, and his immigration
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Part of Romney's strategy is to keep a core group of close campaign associates employed for the long term for another run at the Presidency
should McCain lose in 2008.Buy Office 2007 you can get much convenience.
Romney is also looking to parrot some of the other candidates. For example, two months ago, Romney advisers approached Citadel Broadcasting,
which syndicates the radio's Paul Harvey commentaries. "Governor Romney saw that that was how Fred Thompson got his jumpstart in the Outlook 2010 is my love.
campaign. He's not above borrowing a good idea if it will help him," says a former adviser. "We saw that on the campaign trail. He'd see what Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!
another candidate was doing and say to one of us, 'You know, we can do that better, or we can do that a bit differently and really make it Windows 7 is convenient and helpful!
work.' I think that's what he's doing with following in Thompson's footsteps."